
About Madrigals

Madrigals is Beckman's premier mixed choir.  Admission is through audition only, and consists mainly of Juniors and Seniors.  It is expected that members will be performing throughout the vocal community in Southern California and beyond.  Members represent BHS in the Southern California Vocal Arts Regional and All State Honor Festivals, the Honors Performance Series with students performing at Carnegie Hall, the Sydney Opera House, and  the Musikverein in Vienna Austria, as well as at  universities and summer arts intensive programs around the world.

Madrigals Choir Officers

Jay Johnson 

Choir Executive Officer 

Jay Johnson is in his second year of choir; This year in Madrigals, after a year in Bel Canto. He is currently powering through senior year, additionally doing lots of work with Theatre, Colorguard, and the visual arts programs. Jay is looking forward to being able to serve the choir and be able to help others succeed and see them grow. He is very grateful for all of the opportunities given to him and hopes for a great year.

Audrey Brown 

Soprano Section Leader

Audrey Brown is currently a senior at Beckman high school, and is entering her 4th year as a choir student. This year she will be serving as the Soprano section leader in Madrigals, and is excited to help her section grow as singers, and as a team. All in all, Audrey Brown is thrilled for this year, and for the many memories she will make in Madrigal's best soprano section yet!

Julia Romasoc  

Alto Section Leader

Julia Romasoc is the alto section leader for the Madrigals Choir. She’s a senior and has been a part of the chorale program here at Beckman since freshman year. Her passion for the arts never stops as outside of choir she’s a part of the Beckman Colorguard and was a featured vocalist in the Beckman Jazz Ensemble. Her favorite aspect of the chorale program is the community that singing brings and how music connects people together. She looks forward to making new memories with the people she loves the most!

Derin Apay 

Tenor Section Leader

Derin Apay is the Tenor section leader in Madrigals, and the Bass section leader in Mixed Choir. He is currently a junior at Beckman, in his third year in choir, and his second year as an officer. He is very excited to help out all the guys in choir, have a blast on all of the trips, and especially…the free food.

Alex Ta  

Bass Section Leader

Alex Ta is currently a sophomore and this his 2nd year in Beckman Choir and 1st year in Madrigals. This year will be his first year as a section leader and he is currently the Bass Section leader for Mads. He is loving every minute of his time in the vocal program and looks forward to making new friends and singing with everyone. He can’t wait to see what this school year brings for everyone and he hopes everyone comes to love choir as much as he does.

Jelena Villanueva 

Social Media

Jelena Villanueva is currently a senior here at Beckman High School. She is proud to take on the roll as Social Media Manager with her partner Eve Mallawong. She's been doing choir for about 8 years and is part of the Madrigals choir. She enjoys being able to express her passion in music and be able to create memories with the choirs. She's excited to see continue to see the talent in each choir grow and be able to capture her last moments in her high school choir career.

Bryan Wong 

Mens Wardrobe

Bryan Wong is a senior at Beckman High School and  in his 3rd year of madrigals, and this year he’s acting as the men’s wardrobe for his choir. He also was part of middle school choir for 3 years which is where he discovered the love and passion for music. He can’t wait to see what will come of this school year, and for all the memories he’ll make!

Megan Grigg 

Womens Wardrobe

Megan is currently a junior in high school  and is in her second year in Madrigals. She runs the women’s wardrobe in Madrigals by organizing and maintaining the dresses to be read for performances. She has been singing in choir for six years and loves learning new pieces each year. She is so excited to make many more memories with everyone this year!

Michael Quane 


Michael Quane is an eleventh grader at Beckman in Madrigals, and is the librarian this year! He is in his 3rd year in beckman choir, and previously sang in choir at Pioneer middle school which he truly enjoyed and wanted to still pursue. He is looking forward to connecting with everyone in choir!